Imperial Cult

The Imperial Cult is a religious organisation devoted to worshipping the Nine Divines, including the former emperor Tiber Septim, also known as Talos. The Imperial Cult, as a missionary organisation, focuses its activities on the remote provinces of the Empire, such as Morrowind. It is closely connected to the Empire, as in it the Divine Plan becomes manifest. The Emperor, as the defender of the faith, is the Head of the Imperial Cult. 

The Imperial Cult raises alms from members and sympathisers for various projects, many, though not all of them, for the benefit of the poor.

Members of the Imperial Cult believe in the Nine Divines. The Nine Divines serve the Imperial Cult members as models for their own lives. They also believe in and preach the Nine Virtues; Humility, Inspiration, Piety, Work, Compassion, Justice, Learning, Ambition, and Civility.

Not all members agree about the decision to add the Dovakhiin as a new divine into the Empire’s religion, and this sometimes creates internal friction within the cult.