
  • Azura

    Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn, Azura is associated with twilight and mystery. She is revered for her foresight and prophecy, often granting visions to her followers.

  • Boethiah

    Daedric Prince of Deceit and Treachery, Boethiah is revered by those who seek power through cunning and betrayal. He embodies the concept of ambition and the overthrow of authority.

  • Clavicus Vile

    Daedric Prince of Bargains and Wishes, Clavicus Vile is known for his penchant for making deals and granting wishes, often with unforeseen consequences. He is both cunning and capricious.

  • Hermaeus Mora

    Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate, Hermaeus Mora is a being of forbidden knowledge and hidden secrets. He hoards knowledge in his realm of Apocrypha and delights in the pursuit of knowledge.

  • Hircine

    Daedric Prince of the Hunt, Hircine is revered by hunters and lycanthropes. He embodies the thrill of the chase and the primal instinct of the hunt, often testing mortals with challenges of skill and strength.

  • Jyggalag

    Daedric Prince of Order, Jyggalag embodies logic and order, seeking to impose perfect order upon the chaos of the universe. He is associated with the concept of inevitability and the eventual return of order.

  • Malacath

    Daedric Prince of the Spurned and Ostracized, Malacath is the patron of the outcasts and the downtrodden. He is revered by the Orcs as their god-king, embodying the ideals of strength and perseverance.

  • Mehrunes Dagon

    Daedric Prince of Destruction and Revolution, Mehrunes Dagon is associated with chaos and upheaval. He seeks to bring about change through destruction and is often depicted as a harbinger of disaster.

  • Mephala

    Daedric Prince of Lies and Secrets, Mephala is revered as the master of manipulation and intrigue. She delights in sowing discord and weaving webs of deceit, often working behind the scenes to achieve her goals.

  • Meridia

    Daedric Prince of Life and Energy, Meridia is associated with light and the purging of darkness. She opposes undead and necromancy, seeking to cleanse the world of darkness and corruption.

  • Molag Bal

    Daedric Prince of Domination and Enslavement, Molag Bal is a malevolent being who delights in the suffering of mortals. He seeks to dominate and subjugate all who oppose him, spreading misery and despair.

  • Namira

    Daedric Prince of Decay and Revulsion, Namira is associated with darkness and repulsion. She revels in the grotesque and the macabre, drawing power from decay and the darker aspects of mortal nature.

  • Nocturnal

    Daedric Prince of Night and Darkness, Nocturnal is revered as the mistress of shadows and the patron of thieves. She guards the secrets of the night and is associated with luck and stealth.

  • Peryite

    Daedric Prince of Tasks and Pestilence, Peryite is associated with disease and natural order. He is revered as the taskmaster of the Daedric Princes, overseeing the fulfillment of destinies and the balance of life and death.

  • Sanguine

    Daedric Prince of Debauchery and Revelry, Sanguine is revered as the patron of hedonism and indulgence. He delights in excess and revelry, often granting his followers boons of pleasure and intoxication.

  • Sheogorath

    Daedric Prince of Madness and Insanity, Sheogorath is a chaotic and unpredictable being. He embodies the concept of madness and is revered as the patron of the insane and the unpredictable.

  • Vaermina

    Daedric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares, Vaermina is associated with the realm of dreams and nightmares. She delights in tormenting mortals with visions of horror and despair, often using fear as a tool of manipulation.